2003国际健康建筑会议(Healthy Buildings 2003)

1999年11月30 00:00:00 来源:中国空调制冷网
展览时间 2015-09-28-2015-09-28 开展时间 2015-09-28 撤展时间 2015-09-28 会展描述 HEALTHY BUILDINGS 2003 7th International Conference Energy–Efficient Healthy Buildings HB2003 CONFERENCE, Singapore, (13-17 July 2003) Invitation to submit abstracts HEALTHY BUILDINGS 2003, the 7th International Conference on Healthy Buildings is less than 9 months away. Preparations for a scientifically enriching conference are currently in progress and to date, abstracts from 27 countries have been received, and more abstracts are streaming in. The abstracts come from Europe (45%), Asia (52%) and North America (3%). The dateline for abstract submission has been extended to 30 November 2002. In the recent appointment of the Professional Conference Organizer, an on-line paper submission system has been integrated with the conference website to facilitate the ease of registration, abstract submission and paper review process. The deadline for the submission of final paper is 1st March 2003. Please visit the conference website (www.hb2003.org) for details. A preliminary technical programme has been planned and is included to provide an overview of the various technical sessions. Invited key-note papers are planned that spans a wide spectrum of the diversified areas of indoor air quality and energy efficiency addressing both theory and practice in Healthy Buildings. All scientific papers accepted for the conference will be presented as either oral or poster presentations and these are planned as parallel sessions, as indicated in the technical programme. The parallel sessions also include workshops pertaining to specific interest groups identified by ISIAQ and these would be classified as ISIAQ task force workshops. A tentative social programme has also been incorporated into the technical programme which includes the welcome reception during the opening ceremony, visit to one of the best tourist attractions in Singapore, “The Night Safari”, the conference Gala dinner in the Bird Park, and the traditional walk/jog event in a tropical nature reserve cum rainforest. The recent tragic terrorist incident in Bali may have caused some concern for fellow members of the scientific and professional communities who are planning to participate in HB2003. Whilst we understand your sentiment, we would urge you not to be unduly affected. Singapore has always been proactive in ensuring the highest security levels and has been successful in preventing the occurrence of such events, and the conference venue and hotels have been carefully chosen. We look forward to receiving your abstract and seeing you in Singapore next July. For more details, please read the attached file or visit the conference website at www.HB2003.org Conference Secretariat Healthy Buildings 2003 Department of Building National University of Singapore 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566 Website : www.HB2003.org E-mail : secretariat@HB2003.org 关注人数 58693人






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