(1.重庆大学城环学院,重庆,400045; 2 广州市建筑科学研究院,广州,510440;3. 四川大学建筑与环境学院,四川,610065;4 广州市墙体材料革新与建筑节能办公室,广州,510170;)
[摘要]本文对广州地区8栋商业建筑进行了能耗调查,得到了该类建筑能耗的基本状况,对该类建筑能耗现状作了分析,得到广州市商业类建筑单位建筑面积能耗范围是1.421 GJ/(m2·a) ~4.811 GJ/(m2·a),单位建筑面积能耗平均是2.870GJ/(m2·a),并对其做了节能潜力分析。
[关键字] 商业建筑;建筑能耗;能耗调研;节能
Survey and Analysis on Energy Consumption in commercial buildings in Guangzhou TANG Hui-qiang1,2, REN Jun2, LONG En-shen3,YANG Shu-rong 4,GUO Bing2,
(1.Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400045; 2. Guangzhou Institute Of Building Science,Guangzhou,510440;3.Sichuan University, Sichuan,610065;4.Guangzhou Office For Wall Material Revolution and Building Energy, Guangzhou 510170;)
[Abstract] In this paper, energy consumption in 8 commercial buildings in Guangzhou was investigated, finds their basic condition in respect of building energy consumption,and energy consumption was analyzed, it was concluded that range of energy consumption was from 1.421 GJ/(m2·a) to 6.379 GJ/(m2·a) ,and the averaged value was 2.809GJ/(m2·a); at last analyses the potentialities of energy saving.
[key words] commercial building; building energy consumption; energy consumption survey; energy saving