Investigating Research on Radioactivity of Building Materials in Tianjin
2012年02月28 00:00:00 来源:中国空调制冷网
Since people become aware of the significance of building material radioactivity to the living and working environment as well as human health, the radioactivity pertaining to building materials has drawn a worldwide attention, in addition, been a “focus” of study. After two years of investigating research on the building materials supplied in Tianjin, a full knowledge of the following factors has been got relating to the main building and decoration materials in Tianjin: γ radiation dose rate, level of natural radionuclide specific activity, indoor γ radiation dose rate, radon concentration, annual effective equivalent dose incurred by indoor γ radiation. Besides, such aspects are analyzed as the main contribution to γ radiation and radon concentration, means of differentiating classification for building material radionuclide limitation. A measurement method is established which is suitable for large-scale routine investigation of radioactive substances in building materials.