2010年08月25 16:40:37 来源:中国制冷网
摘要:【中文摘要】 对替换R22的各个环节的成本作了简要分析,包括空调整机、压缩机、换热器及膨胀阀制造,消费者购买,维护与回收等。说明在中国制冷行业全面使用R410A替代R22的成本问题。 【英文摘要】 A brief analysis was made on the cost of replacement of R22 with R410A,including the manufacturing cost of the whole unit of air conditioner,the compressor,the heat exchanger and the expansion valve;the cost of maintenance and refrigerant recovery as well as the purchasing cost of the consumers.The impact of cost on totally replacement of R22 with R410A within Chinese refrigeration industry was summarized in this paper. 【中文关键词】 R22; 替代; 成本; R410A【英文关键词】 R22; phase out; cost; R410A