关键词:辐射制冷器; 红外遥感; 气象卫星
中图分类号:TB6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007—2276(2012)01—0119—05
Application of radiant coolers on Chinese meteorological satellites
Dong Deping,Zhang Yulin。Lu Yan
(Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics.Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200083.China)Abstract:Optical remote sensing instruments including IR detection channels a他always the major payloadsof meteorological satellites.Radiant coolers a used for cooling the IR detectors and its aft optics to thedesired temperatures,aboard on Chinese polar orbit meteorological satellites and geostationary orbitmeteorological satellites.Depending on the requirements of optical instruments and satellites on the radiantcoolers,the different style coolers such as W style,O style,L style,G style and octahedron-cone style inthe past 30 years were studied,and the flight performance of the radiant coolers on FY-1A to FY-1D。FY一3M3B,FY-2A to FY-2E meteorological satellites were presented.The lowest temperature of radiant cooleron FY一3 satellite Was about 85 K and had 120 mW at 100 K.The concemed technologies needed for long—life operational meteorological satellites were discussed and its appfication results were also given.Thepossible application of passive cooling technology in future Was discussed.Key words:radiant cooler; IR remote sensing; meteorological satellite