2010年08月25 16:46:48 来源:中国制冷网
摘要:【中文摘要】 露点间接蒸发冷却技术是一种能将冷却器的入口空气降到对应的露点状态的水蒸发冷却技术,具有较高的研究意义及广阔的应用前景。根据目前这一技术的研发情况,本文较为详细地介绍露点间接蒸发冷却相关的最新研究进展,提出直流式、叉流式和逆流式露点间接蒸发冷却器3种基本结构。考虑其作为制冷通风空调的一种,送风状态是受到限制的,结合露点间接蒸发冷却技术固有的特点,对其送风状态进行分析,并说明这种冷却器的应用条件及场合。 【英文摘要】 Dew point indirect evaporative cooling technology is a water evaporative cooling technology which can cool inlet air down to the corresponding dew point status and has the high values of research and broad application prospects.Based on current research and development of this technology,gives a particular description of the latest research and progress of the dew point indirect evaporative cooling,and puts forward three basic structures including DC-style,cross-flow and counter-flow dew point indirect evaporative cooler.Considering it as a device of ventilation and air-conditioning,restricts the status of air supply,and combining inherent characteristics of dew point indirect evaporative cooling technology,analyzes its status of air supply,and gives the applicable conditions and occasions. 【中文关键词】 露点; 间接蒸发冷却; 制冷; 空调【英文关键词】 dew point; indirect evaporative cooling; refrigeration; air-conditioning