2010年08月25 16:49:14 来源:中国制冷网
摘要: 【中文摘要】 通过能量守恒原理,推导出了表冷器传热系数与水流速的关系式;通过实验和测试数据,分析了表冷器传热系数的变化趋势。实验表明,水流速的增大能增强表冷器的传热效果,但传热系数随水流速的增大而增大的趋势变缓。 【英文摘要】 Through the energy conservation principle,the relationship between water flow velocity and heat transfer coefficient of air cooling coil was derived.Then by the experiments and test data,the trends of heat transfer coefficient was analysed.It indicated that the increase of water flow can enhance the heat transfer cooler effect,but the trend that heat transfer coefficient's increase with the increasing of the water flowwould become slow. 【中文关键词】 表冷器; 流速; 能量守恒原理; 传热系数【英文关键词】 air cooling coil; water flowvelocity; energy conservation theory; heat-transfer coefficient