关键词:制冷探测器; 积分时间; 信噪比
中图分类号:TN216 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-2276(2012)01-0043-06
Analysis on the integration time and SNR of
640×512 cooled IR detector’
Liu Ning,Chen Qian,Gu Guohua,Sui Xiubao
(National Defense Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Engineering,Nanjmg University of Science and
Technology Nanjing.210094.China)Abstract:SNR is a crucial parameter of the detector.In this paper,it was mainly concenffated on theanalysis on the relationship between the integration time and the SNR of the domestic 640x512 MWIRcooled detector.Based on the theory of the fact that the integration time is corresponding to the signaland the noise,a lot of work was done which focused on these two aspects in the separate way when thedetector was working under the normal condition.A large number of experimental data was analyzedwhich demonstrated the increasing relationship between the detector’S output signal and the noise signalwhile the integration time was changed.The experimental and the theoretical analyzed results bothconcluded the impact of the integration time to the SNR.Finally,the most optimal integration time WaSsubmitted.
Key words:cooled detector; integration time; SNR