Indoor and outdoor concentrations of RSP, NO2 and selected volatile organic compounds at 32 shoe sta
of air pollutants during working hours. This study evaluated the potential exposure and source contribution associated
with traffic-related air pollution for workers (polishers and repairmen) in shoe stalls from each of 32 districts during
working hours in Seoul, Korea. The shoe stalls have been located at very close distances to the busy roadways. In
this study, shoe stall workers could be exposed to high levels of respirable suspended particulate (RSP), nitrogen
dioxide (NO ) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from outdoor sources such as traffic exhaust, as well as 2
indoor sources in the shoe stalls such as dust on the shoes, portable gas ranges, organic solvents, adhesives and shoe
polish. Compounds of particular note included indoor mean concentrations of benzene, toluene, myp-xylene and oxylene
were 0.732, 6.777, 4.080 and 1.302 mgym , respectively, in all shoe stalls. Mean indooryoutdoor ratios for 3
toluene and myp-xylene concentrations were 54.52 and 20.84, respectively. The contribution of vehicle exhaust
emissions to indoor air quality of shoe stalls was identified by means of correlating the relationships between
simultaneously measured air pollutant concentrations indoors and outdoors. Unlike RSP and NO , indoor VOCs 2
concentrations of shoe stalls mainly originated from indoor sources vs. outdoor sources.