The EPIC 2002 AIVC Conference
2002年06月11 00:00:00 来源:中国空调制冷网
“Energy Efficient and Healthy Building in Sustainable Cities”,to be held in Lyon France The 23rd AIVC conference will be held in conjunction with the 3rd EPIC conference, from 23rd to 26th October 2002 in Lyon France.
EPIC is the European Conference on Energy Performance and indoor climate in buildings.
The meeting building on the experiences of the earlier events organized in 1994 and 1998,and now merges the efforts with the annual conference of the AIVC on ventilation and indoor air quality research .the conference aims at confronting views from researchers ,industry, architects, engineers and policy makers on the future of buildings and their urban setting: how to assess the performances of building regarding energy efficiency and indoor climate conditions and make them perform better without harming the environment, therefore oral and poster presentations will be combined with more specialized workshops on selected topics such as climate facades, sustainable urban planning, hybrid ventilation ,IAQ,ICT,etc.
EPIC2002AIVC is a joint organization of the INIVE EEIG (OA of AIVC) and ENTPE , Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de I'Etat, in collaboration with University of Athens,Universite de la Rochelle, CETIAT and BBRI.
The venue is the HITON lyon hotel.
More info and call for papers at web or
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th November 2001.