《制冷学报》摘要 09年第五期
2009年12月20 00:00:00 来源:中国制冷空调技术网
制冷学报[双月刊] 创刊年份: 1979年9月 第30卷第五期(总第129期) 2009年10月16日出版 主办单位:中国制冷学会 主管单位:中国科学技术协会
国际刊号:ISSN0253-4339 国内刊号:CN11-2182/TB
发行单位:中国制冷学会秘书处 出版单位:《制冷学报》杂志社有限公司
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主 任:吴元炜 主 编:吴元炜
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委 员:周远、江亿、王浚、陶文铨、朗四维、梁惊涛、 责任编辑:常琳
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低品位热能的远距离输送技术 |
林芃,王如竹,马强 (上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所,上海200240) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-1~7 |
摘要对于低品位热能远距离输送这一新兴的研究领域做了研究现状综述.主要有五种方法可实现这一目标:可逆化学反应;蓄热材料;氢吸附合金;气-固吸附;气-液吸收.详述了每种方法的基本原¬理、研究进展、优缺点以及应用范围,总结比较得出了采用气-液吸收循¬环具有良好的应用前景.低品位热能远距离输送这一研究领域对于节能减排,能源的高效利用等方面具有重大意义. 图9表3参25 关键词 热工学;能量输送;吸收式制冷;吸收式热泵;余热利用 E-mail:linpeng0478@sjtu.edu.cn |
Long distance transportation technology of low-grade heat LIN Peng, WANG R Z, MA Q (Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai200240, China) Abstract The research on long distance transportation technology of low-grade heat is reviewed. It consists of reversible chemical reactions, phase change materials of thermal storage and transportation, hydrogen-adsorbing alloys, solid-gas adsorption, and liquid-gas absorption. Their basic principles and research development are discussed, and the advantages and shortcomings are compared. The conclusion can be drawn that the liquid-gas absorption cycle may be prospective in application. 25Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Pyrology; Energy transportation; Absorption refrigeration; Absorption heat pump; Waste heat utilization E-mail:linpeng0478@sjtu.edu.cn |
变频空调与散热器采暖房间温度场对比研究 |
赵立影,南晓红,杨彦宾 (西安建筑科技大学,西安 710055) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-8~13 |
摘要针对西安地区某一办公房间采用变频空调或散热器两种采暖方式分别进行了IMP数据采集系统实测与数值模拟的对比研究,结果表明,变频空调采暖时工作区域内温度梯度较大,为3℃左右,散热器采暖时工作区域内温度梯度为0.7℃左右.根据房间实际尺寸建立物理模型并对两种采暖方式的室内温度场和流场进行了数值模拟,模拟结果与实测结果基本吻合.通过数值模拟和分析两种采暖方式的特点及对室内热环境的影响,理论上得出散热器采暖方式的室内温度场和流场更加均匀的结果. 图11参8 关键词 市政工程;变频空调采暖;散热器采暖;温度场 E-mail:zhaoliying1983@163.com |
Comparison study on room temperature distribution with VRV air-conditioning heating and radiator heatingl ZHAO Li-ying, NAN X H, YANG Y B (Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an710055,China) Abstract The temperature distributions in an office in Xi’an with radiator heating and VRV air conditioning modes were measured by IMP, respectively. The results show that the value of temperature gradient in the working area was about 3℃ with the VRV air conditioning mode and 0.7℃ with the radiator heating mode. A mathematical model was established for the real office, and the indoor temperature field and the velocity field with these two heating modes were simulated. The numerical simulation results are in agreement with the data measured. The features of these heating modes and their influence on the indoor thermal environment were analyzed. Our results indicate that the temperature field and the velocity field in the room with the radiator heating mode may be more uniform than those with the VRV air conditioning mode. 8Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Municipal engineering; VRV air conditioning heating; Radiator heating; Temperature field E-mail:zhaoliying1983@163.com |
空气源热泵热水机组全年综合能效评定 |
吴静怡,江明旒,王如竹,许煜雄,孙鹏 (上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所,上海 200240) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-14~18 |
摘要空气源热泵热水机组全年运行在制热模式,机组能效比受室外气象条件的影响较大,并且热水需求量通常还会随季节和用户用水习惯而有所差别,仅仅用名义工况下的机组运行能效比,难以准确客观地反映出其实际的节能效果.这里主要针对空气源热泵热水机组分布较为集中的长江¬沿线及以南地区,结合各地区气象条件及用户实际应用情况,引入全年综合运行工况来对空气源热泵热水机组的实际能效进行评定,确定更合理的评价标准.分析结果表明,采用全年综合运行工况作为参照工况点对空气源热泵热水机组进行综合能效评定更加客观严谨.图8表1参6 关键词 热工学;空气源热泵热水机组;全年综合运行工况;能效比;热水需求 E-mail:jywu@mail.sjtu.edu.cn |
Seasonal energy efficiency assessment of air source heat pump water heaters (WU Jing-yi, JIANG M L, WANG R Z et al) Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai200240, China Abstract Air source heat pump water heaters(ASHPWH) run in heating mode all year around. The EER of the units varies with the difference of local meteorological conditions and hot water demand of users, and thus the EER only under the nominal working conditions is difficult to accurately reflect the actual energy saving effect of the units. In this paper, a new evaluation criteria of ASHPWH energy efficiency on the basis of the annual integrated operating conditions is proposed, in which the weather conditions of different regions and actual application of users in the south of China are considered. The results show that the present energy efficiency assessment method of heat pump water heaters based on the annual integrated operating conditions is more reasonable. 6Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Pyrology; Air source heat pump water heaters; Annual comprehensive working conditions; Energy efficiency ratio; Hot water demand E-mail:jywu@mail.sjtu.edu.cn |
空气温湿度对空气源螺杆热泵机组除霜性能的影响 |
商萍君1,袁秀玲2 (1.无锡职业技术学院,无锡214121;2.西安交通大学,西安710049) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-19~23 |
摘要试验研究了空气温湿度变化对风冷热泵机组的除霜性能的影响,采用实时数据分析方法研究了在多次除霜周期和除霜间隔周期内翅片温度、过冷度和过热度的变化规律和特点,为寻求优化的除霜控制方法提供了大量试验依据.定量分析了空气温湿度的变化对制热恢复时间、制热衰减时间、稳定制热时间以及除霜间隔时间的影响.研究表明,在不同的温湿度工况下,均出现了盘管出口温度变化率突变以及温度的周期性震荡,这一时刻,制热量开始快速衰减,霜层开始形成并快速生长.当相对湿度从75%提高到90%时,这一突变的温度变化率提高了2倍,制热衰减时间减少了约70%.蒸发盘管出口温度的变化率以及周期性震荡间接反映了蒸发盘管的翅片表面的结霜状态,并呈规律性变化,这一温度参数可以作为重要的除霜循¬环的控制参数.图8表2参5 关键词 热工学;空气温湿度;除霜控制 E-mail:shangpingjun@163.com |
Effect of ambient temperature and humidity on defrosting characteristics of air source heat pump SHANG Ping-jun1, YUAN X L2 (1.Wuxi Institute of Technology, Wuxi214121, China; 2.Xi`an Jiaotong University, Xi`an710049, China) Abstract The experiment was conducted on the effects of ambient temperature and humidity on defrosting characteristics of an air source heat pump. The variation characteristics of fin surface temperature, subcooling temperature, and superheating temperature during the defrosting cycles and heating cycles were obtained with the acquired real-time test data. The effects of ambient temperature and humidity on recovery time of heating capacity, decline time of heating capacity, and stable heating time were analyzed. The results show that the sudden changes of the variation rate of the evaporator outlet temperature and the periodic fluctuation of the temperature occurred at the different ambient temperature and humidity, and heat capacity began to decline and frost began to grow up rapidly at this time. In addition, the sudden change of the variation rate of the evaporator outlet temperature rose by 200% and decline time of heating capacity decreased by 70% when air relative humidity increased from 70% to 90%.5Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Pyrology; Ambient temperature and Humidity; Defrost control E-mail:shangpingjun@163.com |
新型空调蓄冷材料四丁基溴化铵-水相变条件和相变热实验研究 |
孙志高1,2,江承明2,孙立2 (1.苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院,苏州215011;2.中山大学工学院,广州510275) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-24~26 |
摘要四丁基溴化铵水溶液在适当的浓度范围内可在常规空调冷冻水温区内发生固-液相变,形成半笼水合物,是一种潜在的空调蓄冷理想材料.利用实验室的水合物形成实验装置测量了四丁基溴化铵水溶液固-液相变条件,实验结果表明当溶液的质量浓度低于45%时,相变温度随着溶液浓度的增大而增大,但当溶液浓度超过25%,相变温度增加的幅度减小.四丁基溴化铵水溶液的浓度超过45%后,其固-液相变温度反而下降.利用DSC测量了四丁基溴化铵水溶液的相变热,相变热达到195.9kJ/kg. 图3表1参10 关键词 工程热物理;蓄冷;相变条件;相变热;四丁基溴化铵 E-mail:szg.yzu@163.com |
Experiment on phase change conditions and phase change latent heat of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide aqueous solutions for cold storage SUN Zhi-gao1,2, JIANG C M2, SUN L1 (1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou215011, China; 2.School of engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou510275, China) Abstract Experiment on phase change conditions and phase change latent heat of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide aqueous solutions for cold storage. Tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) aqueous solution can form semi-clathrate hydrate at suitable solution concentration and temperature of chilled water at atmosphere pressure. It is a potential solid-liquid phase change material for cold storage in air conditioning systems. The solid-liquid phase change conditions of TBAB aqueous solutions were experimentally measured using the test rig for hydrate formation. The experimental results show that the phase change temperature of the TBAB hydrate increased with the increase of the concentration of the TBAB aqueous solution when the solution concentration was less than 45%, but the increment of the phase change temperature decreased when the TBAB solution mass fraction exceeded 25%. The phase change temperature of the TBAB hydrate decreased with the increase in the concentration of the TBAB aqueous solution when the solution concentration was more than 45%. The phase change latent of the TBAB aqueous solution was measured using the DSC rig and the test result shows that the phase change latent was about 195.9 kJ/kg.10Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Engineering thermophysics; Cold storage; Phase change conditions; Phase change latent heat; Tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide E-mail:szg.yzu@163.com |
超高压与低温协同作用处理土豆实验研究 |
陈淑花1,2,赵启成1, 2,刘学武1,夏远景1,李志义1 (1.大连理工大学流体与粉体工程研究设计所,大连116012;2.大连大学环境与化学工程学院,大连116622) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-27~31 |
摘要以土豆为实验原料,考察了超高压低温冷冻与解冻过程以及常规冷冻与解冻方式对土豆品质的影响.研究结果表明,经过高压低温处理过的土豆比常规方式处理后的品质明显得到提高,质地和微观组织得到了明显地改善,原¬液损失减少;高压快速冷冻(PSF 200MPa and -20℃)过程在保持土豆原有的外观、风味、质构和营养上与其他高压方式相比具有明显优势;当处理压力高于100MPa时,该过程对微生物的灭活具有显著的作用,同时相转变具有促进灭活效果的作用.图6参9 关键词 园艺学;土豆;超高压;低温;冻结;解冻 E-mail:flower-chen@163.com |
Experiment on potato processing with combination of high pressure and low temperature CHEN Shu-hua1,2, ZHAO Q C1, 2, LIU X W1 et al (1. R&D Institute of Fluid and Powder Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian116012, China; 2. School of Environment and chemical Engineering, Dalian University, Dalian116622, China) Abstract The influence of freezing-thawing process with the combination of high pressure and low temperature and with the conventional freezing-thawing method at ambient pressure on the quality of potato samples was experimentally investigated, respectively. The results show that the quality of the potato processed with high pressure and low-temperature was higher than that with the conventional process at ambient pressure, including better texture, lower dehydration rate and less broken microstructure, in particular, at PSF 200MPa and -20℃. When the pressure was higher than 100MPa, the clear inactivation on bacteria was noticed, and phase change facilitated the inactivation. 9Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Horticulture; Potato; High pressure; Low temperature; Freezing; Thawing E-mail:flower-chen@163.com |
三水醋酸钠的过冷机理与实验研究 |
李金田1,茅靳丰1,李伟华1,李靖1,熊小艳2 (1.解放军理工大学工程兵工程学院,南京210007; 2.鄂州大学建工学院,鄂州436000) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-32~35 |
摘要为了解决相变蓄热材料三水醋酸钠的过冷问题,对无机水合盐的过冷机理进行了分析,以三种不同配方的试验样品在相同的实验条件下进行对比实验,从样品的实验照片和记录的步冷温度曲线两方面分析了其凝固过程.实验结果表明,质量百分比为5%的成核剂十二水磷酸氢二钠能一定程度上抑制无机水合盐三水醋酸钠的过冷度,但其过冷度仍然较大;使用质量百分比5%的十二水磷酸氢二钠和质量百分比3%的增稠剂明胶做添加剂后,三水醋酸钠的过冷性能得到明显改善. 图7表1参7 关键词 工程热物理;三水醋酸钠;过冷;相变;步冷温度曲线 E-mail:navyeast@gmail.com |
Supercooling mechanism and experimental study of sodium acetate trihydrate LI Jin-tian1 , MAO J F1, LI W H1 et al (1.Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers, PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Nanjing210007, China; 2. Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute, Ezhou University, Ezhou436000, China) Abstract The supercooling mechanism of salt hydrates was analyzed to solve the supercooling of thermal storage material, sodium acetate trihydrate. The comparison experiment on three groups of different formulae was conducted under the same experimental conditions. Solidification process was analyzed based on the experimental photos of solidification and temperature curves of step cooling recorded. The results show that 5% (in mass) nucleating agent, twelve-hydrated disodium hydrogen phosphate, could reduce the supercooling degree of acetate hydroxide trihydrate to some extent but the supercooling degree was still large. However, the supercooling degree of sodium acetate trihydrate could decrease clearly by adding 3% (in mass) thickener gelatin and 5% (in mass) twelve-hydrated disodium hydrogen phosphate. 7Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Engineering thermophysics; Sodium acetate trihydrate; Supercooling; Phase change; Temperature curve for step cooling E-mail:navyeast@gmail.com |
带有上下均风孔板的速冻装置中流场及温度场的数值模拟 |
张珍,谢晶 (上海海洋大学食品学院,上海201306) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-36~40 |
摘要针对上下冲击式冻结装置在气流组织上的特点,利用CFD对该装置内静压箱和冻结区内的流场和温度场进行模拟计算.将冻品设置为内热源,运输冻品的网带作为多孔介质处理.通过改变位于冻品上下方的均风孔板开孔率得出:在静压箱内,随着出口开孔率的增大,风速逐渐减小,并且在由孔板和隔板间形成的局部区域内,压力分布逐渐趋于均匀;在冻结区内,通过速度场的模拟,从数值计算的角度验证了冷风在冻品表面产生的柯恩达效应.由温度场的模拟得到,冻品温度从冻结区入口至出口逐渐降低,孔板开孔率5%为最佳结构,可以使冻品在冻结终止时中心温度在-18℃以下,符合食品速冻的降温要求.图8表2参11 关键词 热工学;速冻装置;均风孔板;上下冲击 E-mail:jxie@shou.edu.cn |
Numerical simulation on flow and temperature fields in quick freezer with perforated plates ZHANG Zhen, XIE J (College of Food Science & Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai201306, China) Abstract The numerical simulation of flow and temperature fields in the static pressure tank and the freezing area was performed with CFD technology based on the characteristics of airflow distribution in impingement freezers. Foodstuff and mesh belts were regarded as the inner heat source and the porous media, respectively. The results show that, in the static pressure tank, the air velocity decreased and the pressure distribution was uniform gradually in the corner between the plates and clapboards with the increase in the aperture of the perforated plates. Moreover, there was Coanda effect around the freezing food in the freezing area and the food temperature decreased from the inlet to the outlet of the freezing area. It is likely that the optimum rate of the opening aperture was 5%, which could ensure the center temperature of food below –18℃ at the end of freezing. 11Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Pyrology; Quick freezer; Perforated plates; Impingement E-mail:jxie@shou.edu.cn |
低温对“大团蜜露”水蜜桃保鲜效果的影响 |
周慧娟1,2,乔勇进1,2,王海宏1,方强1,张绍铃2,陈召亮1 (1.上海市农业科学院农产品保鲜加工研究中心,上海201106;2.南京农业大学园艺学院,南京210095) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-41~44 |
摘要 “大团蜜露”是软溶质型水蜜桃的典型代表,其“营养丰富、风味甜美、口感丰润”,但由于其特殊的生物生理特性,其贮藏保鲜一直是世界难题.研究选择0℃、2℃和4℃三个梯度温度处理,测定桃果实贮藏期间的失重率、呼吸速率、果肉色差、果肉硬度、可溶性固形物、酸、总糖、Vc、丙二醛含量等生理生化变化.结果表明:较4℃处理2℃与0℃都能够抑制贮藏期间可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、Vc含量的下降,维持果实的原有硬度和果肉色泽,降低呼吸速率和推迟呼吸高峰的出现,整个贮藏期间糖和失重率的变化较小.但综合考虑果实贮藏风味和冷害发生情况,2℃贮藏条件可做为“大团蜜露”的最适贮藏温度. 图9参15 关键词 园艺学;大团蜜露;低温贮藏;生理生化特征;保鲜效果 E-mail:yjqiao2002@sohu.com |
Effects of different low temperatures on fresh-keeping in `Datuanmilu` peach ZHOU Hui-juan1,2, QIAO Y J1,2 ,WANG H H1 et al (1.Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai201106, China; 2.College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China) Abstract `Datuanmilu` is a kind of soft-pulp peach with abundant nutrition and sweet flavor but its storage and fresh-keeping is still difficult because of its particular biological and physical characteristics. In our study, changes in weightlessness rate, firmness, respiration rate, ascorbic acid, total soluble solids, total sugar content , titratable acidity and MDA content of `Datuanmilu` peaches were measured during storage at 0℃, 2℃ and 4℃, respectively. The results show that the drop of the contents of total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and Vc could be restrained during storage at 0℃ or 2℃. Moreover, the firmness and sarcocarp tint could be maintained, and the peak of peach respiration could be delayed. In addition, the changes of the total sugar content and the weightlessness rate were slight. It appears that 2℃ may be the optimum storage temperature for `Datuanmilu` peaches.15Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Horticulture; Datuanmilu; Storing at low temperature; Biological and physical characteristics; Effects of fresh-keeping E-mail:yjqiao2002@sohu.com |
办公建筑通风系统的实验与数值模拟研究 |
王沣浩1,刘晓东1,李远斌1,林章2 (1.西安交通大学建筑节能研究中心,西安710049; 2.香港城市大学建筑科技学部建筑能源与环境科技室,香港特别行政区) 制冷学报 .-2009,30(5).-45~50 |
摘要针对一典型办公建筑,在6次换气次数和19℃送风温度条件下实验研究了层式通风和置换通风的气流组织特性,分析比较了两种通风方式的工作区及人体附近温度场、速度场、CO2浓度场,对两种通风方式气流组织特性及热舒适性进行了数值模拟研究.研究结果表明,在层式通风系统条件下,呼吸区空气品质和热舒适性良好,通风能有效消除室内热负荷和污染物. 图10参12 关键词:市政工程;层式通风;置换通风;气流组织;热舒适性 E-mail:fhwang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |
Experiment and numerical simulation on ventilation system of office building WANG Feng-hao1, LIU X D1, LI Y B1 et al (1.Building Energy Research Center, Xi’an Jiaotong University,710049; 2.Building Energy & Environmental Technology Research Unit, Division of Building Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong) Abstract The airflow characteristics in a typical office building with stratum ventilation and displacement ventilation were investigated, respectively, in the conditions of six air changes and 19℃ supply air temperature. The temperature fields, velocity fields and concentration fields in the working area and the surrounding region of human body were analyzed and compared. The airflow characteristics and thermal comfort with these two ventilation systems were studied by the numerical simulation. The experiment and calculation results show that, with the stratum ventilation, the IAQ and the thermal comfort in the breathing zone will be favourable, and the heat and air pollutants in the breathing zone can be removed effectively. 12Refs. In Chinese. Keywords Municipal engineering; Stratum ventilation; Displacement ventilation; Airflow characteristics; Thermal comfort E-mail:fhwang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |