2010年08月25 16:27:09 来源:中国制冷网
摘要:【中文摘要】 根据上海地区的地理与气候特点,本文用DOE软件对一个以3 mm透明玻璃窗为基础的典型标准房间模型进行了能耗模拟计算,分析了遮阳板在处于不同朝向、不同布置形式下对该模型空调能耗的影响,为遮阳形式的设计提供了参考依据。 【英文摘要】 Based on geography and the climate characteristic of Shanghai,this paper used the energy analysis software DOE-2 to calculate energy consumption of a typical room with 3 mm-thickness transparent glass windows and analyze the impact of different structure of sun visor to energy consumption.The results can be a reference for the design of shading devices. 【中文关键词】 建筑能耗; 建筑遮阳; 窗【英文关键词】 building energy consumption; building shading; window